The Harambee Project is an International Solidarity Project started in 1983, in one of the poorest areas of Kenya, on the shores of the Victoria Lake, supported by the voluntary service of ‘Brownsea Foundation’ and ‘Kenya Scout Association’. The project takes place in the peninsula of Nyandiwa, in the Gwassi
Division of Suba District and covers an area of about 200 kmq. The project name 'Harambee', that means
"Work Together" in swahili language, expresses the intention to avoid any charity, working all together !!!
The Italian and African people, work together with the same level of dignity, with the aim of improving the welfare among the Kenyan communities, but also to understand and grow each other... The main feature of project is that one to avoid welfarism and, on the contrary, to help local people to develop independently. Thanks for your Donation on line!
Per l' Italia: assegnate il 5 per Mille nella dichiarazione dei redditi 2013 alla ‘Fondazione Brownsea ONLUS’ indicando il codice fiscale n. 82003470125.
For Worldwide donations: 'Fondazione Brownsea Onlus',
via Burigozzo 11, 20122 Milano (Italy)
Banca Popolare di Milano, agenzia 3 Milano
IBAN IT17I0558401603000000015554
Causale: Progetto Harambee Gwassi (Reason for payment)