Great event, Friday, July 19, 2013 at IKSDP Nyandiwa Centre: the Rongo University College of Nairobi and IKSDP (Italian Kenyan Scout Development Project) celebrated their partnership in the Social Hall, not only with the attendance of students and teachers, but also with the active
participation of local authorities and politicians, among which the Minister of
Education and the Nyandiwa community itself. A very special day!
Rongo University’s guests were warmly welcomed by IKSDP staff, who took them around the center to show the luxuriant landscape and buildings. Definitively amazed by the beautiful environment, Rongo University’s students had the great opportunity to talk and discuss with the Italian group of volunteers from Bocconi University about cultural differences and similarities.Personal future perspectives have been the main topics of this day as well as a strong involvement to know each other with a deep sense of curiosity.
After a visit to the Centre has kicked off the official ceremony, animated by the performances of the students dell'IKSDP-TTC college (with kung fu show, theater, song and dance).
Special thanks and speeches were given during the ceremony by Antonio Labate, the chief of IKSDP project, Margharet Ongombeh and Bocconi students. Furthermore the County Minister of Education made a relevant speech, focusing on the crucial role of education, conceived as a fundamental basis for development in rural areas, like Nyandiwa.
As Antonio Labate said: “This is a long term project, that will continue in the future together with other friends from Kenya and other nations”.
Above, the County Minister of Education & Antonio Labate, IKSDP Director
Below left, the encounter between Rongo University students and Bocconi University of Milan
To the right: the Principal of IKSDP-TTC (left), the Dean of Rongo University and the IKSDP Director.