The "Harambee Tales from Nyandiwa" intends to promote the cultural heritage from the oral tradition of the Gwassi peninsula. The books, with texts in Italian and English, were illustred by Italian Schools or students of graphic; they're aimed at readers of all agest around the world and are particularly suitable for children, so that they can discover the life and traditions of their African peers. The average cost is 8 euros and the proceeds, minus printing costs, is for Kenyan Harambee Schools Project. Currently, the books are almost all sold out and here you find them in the form of Ebooks: PDF, LIT format or online to browse the Web version.
We invite you to participate in the creation of new books, reading other stories of the Luo tradition, waiting to come alive with new images, with the collaboration of other classes of children and young Italians! Send us your suggestions and your work will be published in these pages and can then be distributed in printed form.