Nyandiwa calls Italy: Italy answers!

Harambee Gwassi Kenya: eBook & Luo Tales
"Uteshi wa mtoto ni anga la nyumba" - " The laughter of a child are the foundation of a house" (Swahili proverb)

Harambee Tales

The Fairy tales, in Africa as in Europe, represent the best way for children to understand what is right and wrong in life: these are from the oral tradition of Nyandiwa and arrived e-mail, or on simple sheets of notebook paper. The characters in some stories are animals: monkeys, crocodiles, lions, hippos, elephants ... they feel, think and speak as men. Others are held in a newspaper and we bring color and characteristic sounds of Africa Central, all illustrate a moral principle, a useful and practical teaching.
The Monkey and the CrocodileBrowse through these pages carefully, to discover the traditions of this distant land, full of charm and contradictions.
You will find family teachings, expressed with new words or different scenes of life but also very familiar habits and customs different from ours!
Some stories were illustrated by the Italian schools have become transformed into Ebooks or real books that you find in the menu on the right.
Other stories are still "waiting"... waiting for the collaboration of other Italian classes to animate with new images. Please contact us if you want to participate!

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