Nyandiwa calls Italy: Italy answers!

Harambee Tales of the Luo's culture
"Uteshi wa mtoto ni anga la nyumba" - " The laughter of a child are the foundation of a house" (Swahili proverb)

Kimoro School: The vain hare

These stories come from oral tradition of the Nyandiwa peninsula: we have received via email, or written and drawn on simple sheets of notebook paper.

Now, the texts are only available in Italian language: the near future we'll post those stories in English!

We invite you to participate in the creation of new books, reading these stories of the Luo tradition, to animate them with your designs!


E-mailSend suggestions and your:


We may see them published in these pages with ebook version and try to achieve them, with your help, even in the printed version, to expand the series "Harambee Tales - Tales from Nyandiwa".

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