Nyandiwa calls Italy: Italy answers!

Harambee Gwassi Kenya: Nyandiwa"Pole pole ndio mwendo" - "Slow, slow is the way to go/ the slowness is the better locomotion" (Swahili proverb)

Nyandiwa landscape

On the shores of Lake Victoria

Nyandiwa, until 20 years ago, it was a small isolated fishing village, but has slowly morphed thanks to the various interventions by the Harambee Project. In 1991 the construction of the aqueduct radically changed the sanitary conditions of the population, starting a relationship of trust and collaboration increasingly consolidated.

Since then, the Nyandiwa town has greatly increased: from the village of migrants to the big cities, has gradually become a place of immigratio. About 13,000 people live there today and are developing more new economic and commercial initiatives.
 Nyandiwa: Main Street e Post OfficeSo, the Nyandiwa landscape is changing: dominated by Satellite Dish of Internet Point (IKSDP Scount Center), the success of which has led the government to build a Post Office, some banks have been opened and is activated the electrical grid, although discontinuous and very expensive, as in all of Africa.
The local authorities are working to improve the roads and the public transports, is being designed the construction of the largest medical center in the District...

arrowNyandiwa: Irrigation project

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