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Harambee Gwassi Kenya: Nyandiwa Nursery school"Uteshi wa mtoto ni anga la nyumbai" - "Kid's smile it's the home foundations" (Swahili proverb)

Nyandiwa Nursery school

Among the most important needs of Nyandiwa families there is child care so that mothers can devote to many other children, to agricultural activities and to the conduct of the house.
The Nursery School of the Scout Centre is designed to offer an educational place comfortable and friendly: there are moments of play and teaching concerning the foundations of the local language, English and mathematics. In fact, the Kenyan education system provides that the pre-school prepare the entrance exam to primary school. The children families pay a straight line, but the nursery school finds ways to accommodate the children from poorer families.
Nyandiwa Nursery schoolThe task management is handled by two Nyandiwa teachers, while the administrative jurisdiction is of Scout Centre, even though the annual budget is independent from other activities of the Centre.


The enrollments are still rising and demonstrate the validity of nursery school: also the Primary school has always expressed a great opinion on the preparation of children..
The refresher courses and the training of teachers who teach in kindergarten, are permanent objectives of the IKSDP project.

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