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Recipes and Curiosities: Ugali with the Sukuma"Moja shika si kumi nenda uje" - "A bird in the hand in worth two in the bushi" (Swahili proverb)



Recipe: ½ onion, 200 g Sukuma (similar to the bitter herbs), 4 eggs, 2 tomatoes, 400 g corn flour.

Ugali: boil about 250 ml of water and, without turning off the heat, gradually add the cornmeal. Knead the dough with a wooden spoon until it becomes compact and dry, this phase lasts only 5-10 minutes. Make a ball on a plate and serve. The ugali is eaten sliced​​, along with the Sukuma and the omelet, with your hands.


Fry a mixture of onion, add chopped tomatoes and after a few minutes add the Sukuma and mix. It should cook for about ten minutes. Prepare an omelet with eggs, adding a little salt.

[recipe by Margaret Ongombeh]

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